Winter Retreat 2025
This winter retreat we had a special walkthrough exhibition called the Gospel Experience to present the gospel message in a visual way. Over the span of 2 days, students took time to reflect on the various images and quotes to have a fresh understanding of the cross.
We also learned more about the spiritual discipline of prayer and how we can apply it practically in our day to day lives. Other highlights include upperclassmen who were inspired and challenged at Winter Conference a week before coming to help at this winter retreat and ended up surrendering different areas to God.
At the end of retreat, we had all the students help out with takedown. It was a good way to end the weekend as through that we heard many newer students share how they want to help out and be more involved this quarter!
A2F & Klesis is a college church in Seattle located in UDistrict. We’re also registered student groups at UW Seattle & Seattle U.
We serve college students in the Greater Seattle area including UW Seattle, Seattle U, SPU and more!
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