UW Dawg Daze 2024
This year’s Dawg Daze at UW felt different because of the many students who helped out at our events. From meeting new freshmen at tabling, volleyball and frisbee socials, and inviting students to join small groups, we’re thankful for the willingness of our students who devoted the first two weeks to help the new Huskies get to know our community. Here are some sharings from our upperclassmen!
“I think I started helping out feeling very intimidated. However once I saw how many people wanted to connect, I got really excited and burdened for the freshman.” - Wesley, class of 2024
“Helping out during Dawg Daze this year was a super fun opportunity as an upperclassman. I got to meet a lot of new students and it was encouraging to create these connections. A lot of them I have kept in contact with these past few weeks and it’s been great being able to provide them various tips as well as hear their perspective as a freshman.” - Jessica, class of 2025
“Having the opportunity to be a part of Dawg Daze was really exciting and grew not only my understanding and appreciation of how much time and effort our church puts into these events, but it also grew my heart for the incoming freshmen and any new students to our campus. I felt quite encouraged to pour love into the faces I met and to do everything I could to help them experience community and make them feel welcome during such a stressful and unknown season of life. Though Dawg Daze can feel tiring, it really is a crucial and impactful time where you will form friendships with new students that God can blossom throughout the year.” - Kim U, class of 2025
“Helping out during Dawg Daze was honesty really tiring, but at the same time really rewarding. I got to push through the tiredness of ministry alongside my peers and other friends. Also had a lot of fun doing it!” - Viet, class of 2025
A2F & Klesis is a college church in Seattle located in UDistrict. We’re also registered student groups at UW Seattle & Seattle U.
We serve college students in the Greater Seattle area including UW Seattle, Seattle U, SPU and more!
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