Pre-Fall Retreat + Welcome Crew Trip

In early September, we kicked off the school year with a fun and refreshing Welcome Week rally! The rally was mainly for upperclassmen who volunteered to serve in our Timothy Training Group (TG), along with students who signed up to welcome the Class of 2028 to our church. The rally was a great time for everyone to recharge at the beautiful Mount Rainier National Park, play some team bonding games, and get to know one another better.

Joey, one of our TG students, shared that the retreat “was a time where I could focus on my spiritual life without any distractions. Spending time with people who shared the same goal of outreaching to freshmen really strengthened my connections with other students as well as with Jesus.”

Alison, another TG student, added that “TG retreat was a great way to see everyone again and prepare to welcome the incoming freshmen. It was really helpful learning tips on how to minister to others and make a case for investigating Christianity.”

Left to right: Joey, Noah, and Luke (students in Timothy Training Group)

Let's go team! 

A2F & Klesis is a college church in Seattle located in UDistrict. We’re also registered student groups at UW Seattle & Seattle U.
We serve college students in the Greater Seattle area including UW Seattle, Seattle U, SPU and more!

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