Lead the Cause Local 2024
This past summer, the Seattle youth ministry team put on a major youth camp - Lead the Cause (LTC) Local. This was our very first time hosting Lead the Cause Local, with several UW and SPU college student volunteers! and it was a pretty amazing for all the mentors and volunteers to see the youth deepen their understanding of the gospel and learn how to share their faith.
“Helping out at youth camps this summer grew my ability to take initiative whether it be talking to one of the youth students who was off to the side, figuring out how to engage my group during STEM lessons, or noticing things to clean up so that the day could go by smoothly. Most notably, during LTC, the youth got the chance to share the gospel. It was my first time doing it as well, but being with the youth meant I had to put my own fears aside and lead them through it which grew my ability to share the gospel too.” said Kelsey Zane, a rising junior.
We’re thankful for all the ways both the college students and youth students have grown this summer. Looking forward to more next year !
A2F & Klesis is a college church in Seattle located in UDistrict. We’re also registered student groups at UW Seattle & Seattle U.
We serve college students in the Greater Seattle area including UW Seattle, Seattle U, SPU and more!
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