Jr Hosted Spring 2024 Kickoff

This past Spring Quarter, the junior class in A2F and Klesis UW hosted a Spring Kickoff event. It was a team effort as the juniors worked hard to plan the timeline for the night, create the content for a student panel, share a song, run fun games and icebreakers and provide the delicious dinner and desserts for the night! We held it at our 45th Loft, right off the Ave and invited many classmates, friends and co-workers to come and hear how God changed their lives. For many of our friends, it was the first time hearing more about God and the Bible, which was really exciting. 

Overall, the juniors were so thankful to work hard together and towards something that matters - impacting eternal souls. After the event ended, we got a chance to do shout-outs and to pray for our friends to be open to the gospel and learn more about God. Check out different photos below!


A2F & Klesis is a college church in Seattle located in UDistrict. We’re also registered student groups at UW Seattle & Seattle U.
We serve college students in the Greater Seattle area including UW Seattle, Seattle U, SPU and more!

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Spring 2024 Dunk Contest


UBC Summer Vision Trip 2023